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Thursday, November 5, 2009

Indeed, Sweet Potato Is My Fave Fall Veggie

You Are Sweet Potatoes

You love comfort foods, and for you, there's nothing more comforting that Thanksgiving dinner.

In fact, you've been known to have Thanksgiving favorites all fall... and possibly all year. You've got to have your sweet potatoes.

There's no one who cooked as well as your mom or grandma, but you're not too bad at whipping up a hearty dinner to please a crowd.

You believe that food is love. And just like you have plenty of love to go around, you also have plenty of food to go around.

1 comment:

  1. oh akala ko FTF entry mo to ate hahaha.. Mas gusto ko ang kamote sa tin compared sa sweet potato dyan sa tate..

    Have a slice of pizza over at my page.


